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October 1997

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 12:09 pm
by Greenblood
Minutes of the September 11th Meeting

Dwight Burnham gave the seminar on Mashing.
Jeff Jensen chaired the meeting due to softball duties of Doug and Barry.

Clean Up Crew: Rob H. and Robert J. volunteered for clean up duties.

Old Business: Some one asked about Lawrence Brewer's Guild glasses. The Answer was given "Ask Rex."

New Business: We need to appoint a seminar committee to plan future programs. None Appointed.

The BrewFest Earned around $400. The question raised was what to do with it? We have bought a large cooler with part of the proceeds. The decision was to put the money into the Guild's account for future needs.

Robert Johnson "aka Master Archivist", talked about adding financial information to the archivist's notebook to be a backup record of our finances. He also talked about purchasing books and developing a check out system for members to access this information. Rob will come up with more ideas and present them at the next meeting and possibly get a committee together at that point.

Braxton Copley made a motion that was seconded that Robert Johnson be able to buy the necessary supplies for archiving and return with receipts for reimbursement. Passed unanimously.

A discussion (report?) of the Lawrence Alliance Brewfest concluded that it was not really a competition, just a big party. Jeff Jensen went on a tirade about BJCP judging and AHA sanctioning. This is a perfect oppotunity for us to step in and have an AHA sanctioned competition. This brought on a discussion of our own BrewFest and a future competition. Dwight motioned, Sherry seconded, to form a committee next month to work on a competition. Motion passed.

Jamie Rusconi and Rim Baroni had a daughter, Jordan Allison on August 21. All are doing well.

Metting Adjournded.

The following people were in attendance for at least part of the meeting: Dwight Burnham, Pete Clouston, Braxton Copley, Barry Fitzgerald, Robb Hensleigh, Doug & Sherry Holub, Jeff Jensen, Robert Johnson, Bob & Jean Lewis, Bob Oswald, Bill Siebenaler, Andrew & Lisa Suddith, Dustin Norland, Eric Jeppesen.

Monthly Tasting

This month's commercial beer month's tasting was Belgian Ales. All were bottle conditioned with added yeast.

* Leffe Blond Abbey Ale-tastes great, Lisa said it smelled like Schlitz. Very Good
* Saint Sixtus-sweet, malty with alcohol on top; you can't miss the alcohol. Foul.
* Saint Bernardus Trippel-very light in color, no unique odor. "God that's sweet"
* Orval Trappist Ale-fruity aroma, ginger with coriander, yeasty. Some lactic sourness. "Nice alcohol bite on the back" says Rob.
* Bellvue Gueze Lambic-"More!" Like champagne.

For More Information on Belgian Beers check out Peter Crombecq's Benelux Beerguide