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April 1998

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 2:18 pm
by Greenblood
Minutes of the March 12th Meeting

Clean Up Crew: Thanks to Joe Yoder and Andrew Suddith for volunteering.

Members in Attendance: Jamie and Tim Baroni, (returned prodigal son) Mons Benson, Dwight Burnham, Pete Clouston, John Falley, Barry Fitzgerald, Robb Hensleigh, Sherry and Doug Holub (and young Harley), Ellen and Jeff Jensen, Robert Johnson, Bob Oswald, Liam Riggs, Andrew Suddith, and Joe Yoder.

Guests: Rob Dewhirst and Chuck Epp.

Treasurer's Report: After a deposit of $55.00, the Guild checking account balance is approximately $973.97. New members in March were Chuck Epp, Robert Dewhirst, Mons Benson and Christopher Lounsbury. See the Treasurer to pick up your menbership cards.

The AHA is sponsoring a "Big Brew Day" on May 2nd. in honer of National Homebrew Day (now that is my kind of holiday). Submission of an entry form are required by April 29th for participation. The Brew Day will consist of brewer's at sites all over the country brewing the same recipe at exactly the same time. Barry and Joe have copies of the rules if anyone is interested in hosting a site or helping at a site. See Joe Yoder at the meeting if you are interested.

Former President and First lady, the Holub's, have been officially cleared of any and all corruption and embezzlement charges. Newly-elected Secretary and Guild Archivist Robert Johnson, however, has been indicted on charges of malicious slander, liable, espionage, and treason. Johnson has not been seen since the March 12 Guild meeting and is believed to have fled the country to avoid prosecution.
Joe Yoder

Old Business:

Dues: Prorated annual dues-$13.00, pick up cards if you've paid (next meeting). [The By-Laws still read-"Section 8-Membership Annual membership dues shall be: $12.00 per member-family memberships which are $18.00.-A penalty of $5.00 will be added to the annual dues for reinstatement of membership after March."]

Bag stuffers, posters, and banners: To create awareness and increase membership. Stuffers are completed and will be distributed at Lawrence Brewers' Supply. Posters and large flyers are in the process.

LBG on the WWW: We have some new recipes to check out. Winners from the Kansas City Bier Meisters Competition. Also check out the pictures from the February meeting in the new Gallery section. If you have any recipes, links, etc. to contribute just contact Pete Clouston with your info.

Newsletter Contributions: C'mon people...let's see some action out there. I wanna see hussle! The Guild editor pleads for contributions by the first of the month (and they will be kindly appreciated).

Call for Homebrew: We're looking for kind souls to subject themselves to public ridicule and scrutiny by bringing their homebrews for others to drink. All homebrew is (uurrp.) kindly appreciated, and what's more, there's no better way to learn and improve your beer.

Call for Food: Feel free to bring food to monthly meetings.

New Business:
Results from KC Brewmeisters Homebrew Contest: Pete Clouston won two 3rd. place ribbons for his alt and herb/spice beer. Jeff Jensen helped with the judging-440 entrants, professionally run, great learning experience. They need more judges-good time, good fellowship.

Future Seminar Topics: Subcommittee formed. Joe, Dwight and Barry (input welcome). See their report.

Future Commercial Tastings: Bring your suggestions next month. April's tasting will be beers with animal names.

Addendum to By-Laws (proposed): In case of dissolution, funds, purchases and revenue would be donated to charity to be designated by majority vote of membership (see March 1998 Newsletter for exact wording) unanimously approved (???)
At least one officer says its to be voted on this month-Editor.

Proposal Guild Guild Lending-Library: Passed unanimously. Motion passed to have Robert present booklist with prices at April meeting.

AHA Membership: If we can get enough people to join (% of club), we get discounts.

Meeting adjourned 8:55
Robert Johnson-Secretary

Committee on Seminar Subjects
The committee offered the following possibilities:

Yeast: Round Robin discussion on Wyeast selections of beer yeasts. What has been your experience with different selections, temperatures used, methods of use, oxygenation, etc.

Gadgets: Bring or discus your favorite gadget (also ones that didn't work).

Brewing Disasters: Be ready to relate your worst experence(s).

Winemaking Techniques: How does it compare to beer making, mead, cider, etc.

Brewfest Committee Meeting

March 29, 1998

Members in Attendance: Joe Yoder, Ellen Hensen, Derek Osbern, Dwight Burnham, Doug, Sherry & Harley Holub, Tim & Jordon Baroni, Jeff Jensen (Tardy).

The tentative date is the 27th of June at Shelter #7, Clinton Lake Outlet Park. This is barring any music festival conflict and availability of the shelter. Doug Holub was authorized to get the reservation ASAP. Hours will be from 12:00-8:00.

Admission: A glass will be provided with each ticket. Tim Baroni will check into the price for 200 glass mugs with a design.

Price: $10 in advance, $12 at the door. One ticket will be given as compensation for each 5 gallon beer donation. The ticket will contain the phrase: No Pets. Please.

This is not meant as an open party, but members are encouraged to invite as many people as they want. We plan on having T-shirts for the event: red shirts with white print for the Guild members; white shirts with black print for public sale. We will ask Barry to develop a design. Dwight said that he can provide up to 4 shelters for our use. Joe Yoder is going to check into getting live music (Bluegrass?). A limit of $200 and free admission has been suggested.


Beer: Derek Osborn
Food: (Including Root Beer) Sherry Holub
Setup/Cleanup: Doug Holub
Brew Committee: Robert Johnson/Joe Yoder
Tickets/Promotion: Open
Games/Entertainment: Open

Next Meeting: April 19th, 4:00 P.M. at Jeff and Ellen's.