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January 2006

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2006 9:44 pm
by cyburai
LBG Meeting January 12, 2006

Rob opened the business meeting looks like 29 attendees

Chuck and Dale volunteered to clean up ECM wants us to put the chairs back where we found them

Rob asked Steve Bradt what we can do to coordinate seating at the Free State beer banquet hasn't heard back yet

Our campground reservation for Brewfest conflicts with Wakarusa again we have two weekends reserved:

9-11 Jun (competes with Wakarusa)
30 Jun - 2 Jul
lots of complaints about this one: "too hot"

Joe is looking up alternate dates, later in the year, maybe"

Dues are due

Sean wants to tour Boulevard; need to pick a date some time in February?
Rob: Sean, pick a date, and let us know

Still lots of outstanding funds for T-shirts

Shane has a bourbon barrel (50 gal); has a batch of beer in it already wants to know if the club is interested in buying it
He also has a 50 gal plastic fermenter

we took a break for beer, and for Joe to keep looking for a Brewfest reservation date

Rob moves that Joe and the officers be allowed to pick a date for Brewfest, rather than putting it to a vote may involve moving it to the fall
motion seconded and passed

nominations for 2006 officers:
Biermeister: Shane Lynn
Treasurer: Pete Clouston
Secretary: Joe Yoder
Vice President: Andy Booth
President: Sean Belden

Rob turned the meeting over to Sean

Sean wants to buy the beer taps that Rob made for Brewfest last year motion made, seconded and passed
Shane has some faucets he's interested in selling, too
Rob adds a motion that the new officers negotiate buying equipment

Chuck has a printout of John Palmer's "How to Brew" for newbies to peruse

Sean wants to see
* several "Big Brews" a year, to help spread the love and knowledge
* continued press coverage
* business meeting for the officers on Monday nights (prior to the general meeting?)

Shane reminds us that Mass Beverage would like us to have a homebrew demonstration

Rob reminds everyone about the KC Biermeisters competition 17-18 Feb always need judges and stewards

Craig is going to the Upper Mississippi Mash-Out in St. Paul next week will try to send updates via mail or blog, so you don't have to call him

Sean closed the business meeting

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 1:12 pm
by cyburai
top - Reorganizing - Pay no attention to this post.