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December 2005

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 12:37 pm
by Greenblood
LBG Meeting 2005-12-08

better turnout than expected, given the weather

Rob opened the business meeting

Nate Poell and Joe Yoder volunteered to clean up

Props to Andy Booth for winning "Best Lager" for his Pislner at Battle of the Brews, Albany, NY
only 20 lagers entered, all got lumped together
scored 46.5 out of 50 -- but somehow didn't take best of show
Barry: "Even though you say you don't like Pilsners, did you like this one?"
Andy: "No."

Craig is going to St. Louis to judge at the Happy Holidays Homebrew Competition, 9-10 Dec

Rob mentioned the KC Biermeisters competition, 17-18 Feb 2006
highly recommends members volunteering to judge, steward
we still need to remember to sponsor a flight/table (still)

Barry suggested adding a link to the Biermeisters' newsletter on our website

Rob went to Virginia Beach, VA over Thanksgiving
Hilltop Brewery -- the only brewpub in town -- "don't bother"

Tom & Kerry Chapman went to the California Strong Ale Festival in San Diego (really, Carlsbad)

John Monaghan reminds us of International Mead Festival, 10-12? Feb, in Boulder, CO

Joe still has kegs -- 8 total, 4 in his car tonight
$15 each

Craig just remembered that he went to Flat Branch in Columbia over Thanksgiving
and was most impressed; lots of variety and rare beers (tripel, kolsch)
Joe was there 3-4 weeks ago, and was also impressed

Matt Bechtold is shopping for parts to build a kegerator
general call to members who have anything to sell

no other business

Rob closed the business meeting

Andy's presentation: making yeast starters