Andy is a friggin' surgeon with an angle grinder...

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Andy is a friggin' surgeon with an angle grinder...

#1 Post by Matt » Thu Sep 06, 2007 4:25 pm

Hey guys... just wanted to give Andy much props for all his help yesterday with making my first set of keggles.

I'm so close to having a working rig I can taste it! And Shane, that false bottom material looks like it's going to work out splendidly. Thought you'd like to know. Thanks again for the hook-up there. Looks like it will be worth every penny four times over (cuz that's what going store-bought would have cost me!)

Now I just need to find some stainless steel hinges that open to 180-degrees (then stop), and I'll really be cruising. Anybody got any suggestions on where to look for such a thing? Regular door hinges won't work (not best anyway), and I'd prefer stainless (since the FB is stainless). Ace Hardware doesn't have stainless that stop at 180. I'm happy to go anywhere in town... just lookin' for tips.

My next big expense will be getting a good pump. I'm on the lookout for good deals there also, so any advice or heads-up on sales would be most appreciated.

Anyway, to get back on the original track of this post: Andy's a friggin' surgeon with an angle-grinder. He has my praise and my thanks for his help. It was a blast too. I'm looking forward to doing the finishing touches with you on Saturday. Your help (and getting this accomplished finally) has been the best b-day present I've gotten yet, amigo. So thanks to both you and Shane for helping me with everything.

Matt Bechtold
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#2 Post by Bill » Thu Sep 06, 2007 4:39 pm

I can't help ya with the hinges, but I got my pump off a guy on eBay. You are only saving about $20 ~ $25, but hey, that's a sack of grain damn it! almost 2!

go and take a look at item # 160155017403 on eBay or check out the seller here:

I think Sean got one from him as well.


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#3 Post by Blktre » Thu Sep 06, 2007 7:03 pm

Anytime......I really love building brew equipment, its just finding the time to do it sometimes. Your right, that hinged FB will look just like an $80 Sabco unit once finished. It looked sweet sitting at the bottom of your keggle. We get those diptubes map gassed together on Sat. and you should be golden!!
Just call me Andy!

Lupulin Threshold Shift
lupulin threshold shift \lu·pu·lin thresh·old shift\ n
1. When a once extraordinarily hoppy beer now seems pedestrian.
2. The phenomenon a person has when craving more bitterness in beer.
3. The long-term exposure to extremely hoppy beers; if excessive or prolonged, a habitual dependence on hops will occur.
4. When a "Double IPA" just is not enough

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