I've spent the last couple of years trying to find better ways to use, or at least display, the *massive* amount of glassware that one accumulates over this many years in a homebrew club as awesome as ours, years of professional brewing, years of beer-related travel, etc, etc.
I've winnowed it down to the ones I just can't get rid of, but it turns out that's still a lot. So to solve this problem, I've been building some cool easy-to-use storage and displays, because there's no point to having them if they're just going to sit in a padded cardboard box where they can't be seen or used.
I'm pretty close to where I want to be with it all, but it turns out I've somehow misplaced a few key glasses, that I hope some of you can help me locate to "complete the set" as it were.
I'm looking for Brewfest 16 & 18. I know I was at those two, because I have t-shirts for them. But the glasses have completely vanished.
I am also looking for a real old one: KC Renfest #1. I have 2-4, but am missing #1.
If anyone can help me find these, and would like to trade for any that I have doubles of, let me know. Doubles from Brewfest that I have include: 11, 12, 14, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25
Maybe it's silly to display these on a shelf, but I'm proud of the events that we've put on and the things we've accomplished as a club, and they just make me smile. So yeah, that's reason enough to ask.
LBG Glassware
Moderator: Officers
LBG Glassware
Matt Bechtold
Anvil Chorus Brewing
Anvil Chorus Brewing